Re Dom Smith, I saw that slide and it looked awkward. That’s another issue with replay—that was clearly a HR. I assume it wasn’t called as such bc of the reliance on replay. So he slides unnecessarily and could be hurt. ugh. Even worse, DeGrom’s double that wasn’t. Infuriating. If it wasn’t a DeGrom game I would have turned the game off. It was the first exciting play of the game until it wasn’t. I hate replay. In all sports. I’m 44 years old. I can list on one hand the truly impactful blown calls (85 World Series, Galeraga’s perfect game, Santana no hitter, maybe another one I’m not remembering). Is it really worth it?
No, it is not worth it, if only for the fact that fans can't even celebrate exciting plays anymore. It used to be we'd immediately cheer something like Jacob's hustle double, and then stop and realize it will go to replay. Now, I don't hardly cheer because replay has become so ingrained in the psyche that the moment dies before it is born.
Re Dom Smith, I saw that slide and it looked awkward. That’s another issue with replay—that was clearly a HR. I assume it wasn’t called as such bc of the reliance on replay. So he slides unnecessarily and could be hurt. ugh. Even worse, DeGrom’s double that wasn’t. Infuriating. If it wasn’t a DeGrom game I would have turned the game off. It was the first exciting play of the game until it wasn’t. I hate replay. In all sports. I’m 44 years old. I can list on one hand the truly impactful blown calls (85 World Series, Galeraga’s perfect game, Santana no hitter, maybe another one I’m not remembering). Is it really worth it?
No, it is not worth it, if only for the fact that fans can't even celebrate exciting plays anymore. It used to be we'd immediately cheer something like Jacob's hustle double, and then stop and realize it will go to replay. Now, I don't hardly cheer because replay has become so ingrained in the psyche that the moment dies before it is born.
Couldn’t agree more. That’s how it ruined football and it’s doing the same to baseball.